The HP-01 LED-watch review of models:
In this section you will find all of the models, all sub-models and all variations as well as all known prototypes of the HP-01 wrist calculator.
You might think that you already knew all of the models from other websites such as or Hewlett-Packard’s “Virtual HP Museum” which all say there were only two different models. You will be surprised how many different HP-01 exist in reality and which unbelievable diversity of different variations exist. Look forward to the different and numerous HP-01 prototypes and parts of my collection which are assumed to be unique. In this section you can also find a link to my large HP-01 photo gallery which isn’t accessible through the normal navigation of this site. Only the ones amongst you who read the whole content of this big section will be recompensed by getting access to the biggest HP-01 photo gallery in the internet.